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  • Writer's pictureDean Shams

How to Uncover Your Unique Personal Brand

A Guide for the Experienced Consultant, Coach, and Therapist.

In this article, we are going to discuss:


Consultant in a specialised niche

In the consulting, coaching, and therapy space, standing out is less about just being excellent at what you do and more about clearly communicating what makes you, well, you. That's where the power of brand differentiation comes into play. It's not a nice-to-have; it's a must-have.

Years of sharpening your skills and amassing experience are crucial, but they only get you so far if you blend into the crowd. Without a distinct brand, even the most adept professionals risk becoming just another face in the crowd.

Attracting clients is one thing, but drawing in the right clients who get what you're about and value your unique perspective and skills is where the real magic happens. It's about leaving a mark in a space crowded with people trying to do the same.

Think of your brand becoming a lighthouse in a vast ocean of options, guiding clients your way. Here lies both your challenge and your golden opportunity.

The Brand Differentiation Dilemma

The numbers don't lie: there's been a noticeable uptick in consultants, coaches, and therapists. Just look at the International Coaching Federation (ICF), which clocked over 71,000 coach practitioners in 2021, a number that's been on the rise. The optimism within the coaching industry, as seen in the 2023 ICF Global Coaching Study, reflects a sector that's growing in numbers and revenue and emerging stronger post-pandemic.

And it's not just coaching. The consulting world is booming too, with the global management consulting market reaching around $160 billion in 2020. This boom can be chalked up to several factors, like more accessible access to knowledge and the rise of digital platforms that democratise the offering of services. But with this ease comes a crowded market where standing out is more challenging than ever.

So, why is differentiation such a Herculean task but absolutely critical?
Because our work is personal, tailor-made. We're in the business of building trust and showcasing our unique value.

When the market is saturated, merely being good at what you do isn't enough. You need to amplify what sets you apart, be it your methodology, expertise, or the unmatched experience you offer.

Moreover, the intangibility of our services means the real benefits often unfold over time, making it tricky to highlight what we bring to the table immediately. Yet, the need to differentiate is non-negotiable. It is not just a tactic for visibility but a critical strategy for those aiming to thrive.

A well-crafted brand doesn't just attract clients; it attracts the right clients, commands better rates, and paves the way for sustainable growth. It's about evolving from just another professional to a recognised authority in your niche.

The Myth of "One Size Fits All" Branding Strategies

There's a common belief in our fields that certain branding strategies are universally effective, a sort of catch-all solution. This notion, while appealing in its simplicity, ignores the complex and varied nature of our professions and the diverse needs of our clients. This myth deserves a closer look.

Standard branding advice usually emphasises consistent visuals, clear messages, and broad appeal. Important, yes, but not enough. The problem is assuming that a strategy successful for one can be just as successful for another, disregarding the unique value, target audiences, and personal stories that set each professional apart.

Our work is inherently personal and individualised. Each brings a unique blend of experiences, knowledge, and approaches. Our clients are just as varied, each with their own needs and goals. A strategy that's a hit for a business consultant might miss the mark for a wellness coach or a family therapist. This mismatch can lead to branding that fails to truly connect or convey the unique value of the offer.

We need a more tailored, nuanced approach to branding that mirrors the individual or firm's true identity, values, and strengths. It should speak directly to those we aim to serve, resonating with their specific concerns and aspirations. This means diving deep into self-reflection, market research, and audience insight, crafting a brand that's unique and deeply meaningful to those it's intended to reach. This article aims to help you develop your unique personal brand.

The Untapped Potential of Your Personal Journey

unique journey creates unique personal brand

In branding, particularly in consulting, coaching, and therapy, there's a hidden gem often overlooked: your own story. Many professionals lean heavily on their qualifications, their methods, and the results they achieve, sidelining the profound impact of their personal narratives.

Think about it this way: people aren't just in the market for services; they're looking for connections, for someone who gets it, someone they can trust. Your journey, with all its twists and turns, isn't just your history. It's a bridge to your clients, many of whom are on intricate journeys of their own.

The science backs this up. Narrative psychology tells us stories are not just entertainment but how we make sense of our world. They help us recognise patterns, connect dots, and grasp complex concepts. When you share your story, you're not just giving a bio; you're offering a lens through which potential clients can see, understand, and relate to you meaningfully.

And it's not just about any story, but the authenticity and emotional resonance it brings. Research in the Journal of Brand Management underscores how genuine storytelling can significantly boost brand trust and loyalty, far beyond what any credential or service list can achieve. It's about revealing who you are at your core, not just what you can do.

So, take a moment to reflect on your path. The hurdles you've cleared, the lessons you've gleaned, and the way your experiences have honed your professional approach aren't mere footnotes. They're the foundation of a brand that's seen and felt. By integrating these genuine narratives into your branding, you're not just listing services but extending an invitation into a relationship grounded in mutual trust and understanding.

Specialisation Versus Generalisation: Make the Right Choice

Should you specialise or remain a generalist?

It's a tricky question that weighs heavily on the minds of many subject matter experts. Each path offers distinct benefits and poses unique challenges, shaping how we position ourselves in the market and how potential clients view our brand and decide if we're the right fit for their needs.

The Specialist Path: Choosing Depth


  • Authority in Your Niche: As a specialist, you're seen as the go-to expert for particular challenges or solutions. Picture a therapist focused on cognitive-behavioural therapy for anxiety—those grappling with anxiety might seek them out specifically for this expertise.

  • Commanding Premium Fees: Deep expertise allows specialists to charge more for their services, reflecting their focused skill set and knowledge.

  • Streamlined Marketing: When you know your niche inside out, your marketing can be laser-focused, directly addressing the needs and concerns of your target audience.


  • Limited Audience: The flip side of specialisation is a potentially narrower client base. When demand for your niche wanes, maintaining a steady flow of clients can become challenging.

  • Vulnerability to Market Shifts: Specialists might find it harder to adapt if their niche loses relevance due to market changes or advances in the field.

The Generalist Route: Embracing Breadth


  • Wide-Ranging Appeal: Generalists can serve a diverse clientele, making their services applicable to various issues and audiences. A business consultant working with startups and large corporations across sectors is a prime example.

  • Adaptability: With a broad skill set, generalists can pivot more efficiently to address shifting market demands or capitalise on new opportunities.

  • Multiple Revenue Avenues: A more comprehensive service range opens up various avenues for income, providing a buffer during lean periods.


  • Risk of Being Viewed as a Generalist: Without a defined expertise area, there's a risk of being seen as a "Jack of all trades, master of none," which can dilute your appeal to clients seeking specialised knowledge.

  • Diffuse Marketing Messages: Catering to a broader audience means crafting marketing messages that resonate across a wide spectrum, which can sometimes water down their effectiveness.


Choosing between specialising and generalising isn't just a strategic decision—it's about aligning with your strengths, passions, and the market's needs. It's about finding your unique place in the vast consulting, coaching, and therapy ecosystem, where you can thrive and make the most meaningful impact.


The Specialist Example:

Consider Dr. John Gottman, whose name is almost synonymous with couples therapy. His concentrated research and profound insights into marital relationships have positioned him as a leading authority in this niche. This specialisation has not only attracted clients seeking focused solutions for their relationships. Still, it has also made him a revered figure among peers looking for a research-backed approach to couples counselling.

The Generalist Perspective:

Tony Robbins provides a compelling example of the generalist approach. Although not fitting into the traditional mold of a coach or therapist, Robbins' wide-ranging focus on life coaching, business strategy, and personal development allows him to connect with a diverse audience. This broad approach hasn't diluted his brand; on the contrary, it has amplified his reach and appeal across different demographics.

The decision between deep diving into a specialisation or casting a wider net as a generalist hinges on your aspirations, inherent strengths, and the strategic position you envision for yourself in the marketplace. The optimal path is as unique as the professionals walking it.

The Science Behind the Struggle to Stand Out

Struggling to stand out with a strong personal brand

The struggle that subject matter experts (SMEs) encounter in pinpointing their unique selling propositions and standing out is often intertwined with intricate psychological and cognitive dynamics.

Cognitive Biases and Self-Assessment

A crucial psychological element at play is the Dunning-Kruger effect, where individuals with limited know-how in a particular area might overrate their abilities, whereas true experts might undervalue theirs. This phenomenon can lead experts to overlook their distinct contributions, as their in-depth familiarity with their domain may make them view their expertise as nothing out of the ordinary.

The Impostor Phenomenon

Then there's impostor syndrome, a psychological pattern where individuals doubt their achievements and worry about being unmasked as a "fraud" despite clear evidence of their expertise and success. This syndrome can obstruct experts from embracing and articulating their unique value, as they may not fully recognise their own accomplishments and skills.

The Curse of Expertise

Closely related is expertise blindness, akin to the curse of knowledge, where experts struggle to empathise with the novice's viewpoint. This can obscure their understanding of what makes their knowledge or skills special to others, leading them to mistakenly believe that their expertise is more commonly shared than it truly is.

The Influence of Social Comparison

Social comparison theory also deserves attention. Experts often benchmark themselves against their peers rather than the broader public, potentially distorting their sense of uniqueness. In circles where high expertise is a given, identifying one's own niche or unique edge can prove even more daunting.

The Dilemma of Risk Aversion

Psychologically, SMEs might grapple with risk aversion, fearing that honing in on a specific niche for differentiation could lead to opportunities slipping through their fingers or outright failure. This apprehension can deter them from embracing a well-defined niche or value proposition, resulting in generic, indistinct branding and messaging.

Overcoming These Psychological Blocks

Acknowledging these psychological hurdles is a pivotal step toward surmounting them. SMEs can gain valuable perspective through introspection, diverse feedback, and, potentially, coaching, helping them to unearth and communicate their distinct strengths more effectively.

Realising that these challenges are not isolated but part of broader cognitive and psychological patterns can offer solace and a clear direction for tackling them.

Experts can more assuredly identify and convey the unique and valuable aspects of their brand and offerings by adopting strategies to counteract these biases and apprehensions, as suggested below.

Tackling Cognitive Biases and Self-Perception

Approach: Leverage external insights and feedback. Interacting with a broad spectrum of individuals, from peers to mentors and even a varied audience, can offer a more balanced perspective on an expert's unique abilities and knowledge.

Engaging in peer reviews, seeking mentorship, and gathering client feedback can help you appreciate your worth more realistically. Tools such as 360-degree evaluations can offer well-rounded feedback on an expert's competencies and areas for growth.

Confronting Impostor Syndrome

Approach: Cultivate self-recognition and document successes. Maintaining a comprehensive journal of accomplishments, positive feedback, and instances of success can counteract feelings of inadequacy. Techniques rooted in cognitive-behavioural therapy, like challenging negative self-talk and reshaping one's perspective to embrace and celebrate successes, can prove beneficial. Participating in support circles or workshops to tackle impostor syndrome can offer helpful strategies and a sense of belonging.

Overcoming Expertise Blindness

Approach: Embrace a novice's perspective and pursue interdisciplinary engagement. Actively viewing your speciality through a newcomer's eyes can help pinpoint which elements of their expertise might be distinct or exceptionally valuable. Collaborating with professionals from different backgrounds can shed new light on one's unique skills. Teaching or mentoring others allows you to break down complex topics into more digestible parts and can also aid in recognising the significance of one's knowledge.

Handling Social Comparison

Approach: Prioritise personal development and establish individual milestones. You should aim to measure your growth against your own past achievements rather than juxtaposing your journey with that of your peers. Acknowledging personal accomplishments and focusing on your unique path can lessen the effects of social comparison. Diversifying activities beyond your professional sphere can offer broader perspectives and diminish the propensity for niche-specific comparisons.

Mitigating Risk Aversion and Fear of Failure

Approach: Foster a growth mindset and initiate small-scale endeavours. Viewing potential setbacks as learning opportunities can alleviate the fears tied to specialising or narrowing one's focus for differentiation. Embarking on minor, manageable projects allows for experimentation with various differentiation tactics without the stress of major repercussions. Collecting feedback and insights from these endeavours can inform further adjustments and bolster confidence in your distinct value proposition.

For more nuanced strategies and advice, you might consider engaging with a career coach who specialises in your field or seek out resources focused on professional advancement and personal branding. Participating in workshops and seminars dedicated to these themes can also offer valuable tools and perspectives for surmounting the common barriers to differentiation.

Developing Your Distinctive Brand Identity: A Step-by-Step Guide.

develop your distinctive brand

1. Introspection

Embarking on the journey to carve out your distinctive brand identity starts with a profound dive into self-reflection. This stage is all about peeling back the layers to understand your core—your passions, your ethos, and what sets you apart in your professional path. Through introspection, you explore your genuine interests, principles, and competencies. Reflecting on your experiences, decisions, and actions provides clarity on your true self, laying the foundation for a brand that genuinely mirrors who you are. Contemplate what draws you to your profession, the elements of your work that ignite your passion, and the unique insights you contribute, helping to crystallise the essence of your personal and professional identity.

2. Understanding the Landscape

In-depth market research is instrumental in uncovering niches and possibilities within your domain. This step involves a detailed analysis of your competitors, grasping your target clientele's deep desires and needs, and staying updated with the latest industry movements. Through this exploration, you can pinpoint where your distinct skills and offerings can address existing gaps, positioning your brand in a manner that fulfils unmet needs and distinguishes you from your peers.

3. Crafting Your Message

Creating authentic and compelling brand messaging involves succinctly conveying your unique value proposition. It's about weaving your personal beliefs, strengths, and the exclusive advantages you provide into a narrative that resonates with your audience. This narrative should highlight your expertise and differentiate you from the crowd. It encompasses both the substance of your message and the manner of its delivery, ensuring it strikes a chord with your intended audience and encapsulates the core of your brand.

4. Unique Personal Brand Board

Employing a personal brand board can act as a potent instrument in this endeavour, visually depicting your brand's core, including your objectives, values, and visions. Compiling images, words, colours, and symbols that resonate with your brand creates a concrete representation of your identity, guides your branding initiatives, and ensures uniformity across all facets of your brand.

5. Visual Harmony

Ensuring your visual identity aligns with your brand message is pivotal for a unified brand representation. This encompasses your logo, colour palette, fonts, and other visual assets symbolising your brand. These elements should reflect your professional persona and values, maintaining consistency across all your branding materials and digital footprints. A well-crafted visual identity makes your brand immediately recognisable and reinforces your brand narrative at every interaction with your audience.

6. Fostering Client Connections

Building meaningful connections with clients in a way that underscores your brand's distinctiveness entails consistent and value-aligned communication and engagement. This could manifest through customised services, memorable client experiences, and continuous value addition beyond your core offerings. By genuinely engaging with your client's needs and feedback and adapting your services to meet those needs better, you forge strong, enduring relationships that ensure client loyalty and transform them into champions for your brand.

By adhering to these six steps and weaving your unique attributes and values into every component of your brand identity, you can develop a brand that truly stands out and strikes a chord with your ideal clientele.

How You Can Thrive in the Evolving Worlds of Consulting, Coaching, and Therapy

As a consulting, coaching, and therapy professional, keeping pace with changes and adjusting your branding strategy is beneficial and imperative for your continued success and growth.


In consulting, digital transformation and AI are not just buzzwords but avenues for enhancing business performance and offering data-driven insights. The Cloud is your ally in this journey, offering scalable solutions that cater to the hybrid work model now more prevalent than ever. Propelled by the pandemic, remote consulting has now become a standard, offering flexibility and a broader reach. Sustainability is no longer optional but necessary, with a growing demand for consultants who can guide businesses in integrating eco-friendly practices and ESG strategies. The Metaverse presents a new frontier, promising innovative ways to engage with clients and transform business operations. It's an area ripe for exploration and offers a unique opportunity to position yourself as a forward-thinking consultant. Data is your most valuable asset; leveraging analytics will empower you to make informed decisions and provide substantial value to your clients.


There's a significant upward trend in both demand and financial rewards for coaching. Your potential earnings have increased by 12% since 2019, with the average rate for a one-hour session now at US$244. This reflects the growing appreciation of the value you bring to the table and the heightened recognition of certified coaches like yourself.

The industry's revenue has ballooned by 62% since 2019, highlighting the sector's expansion and your opportunities for individual success. The global reach of coaching is also expanding, with a 54% increase in practitioners since 2019, signalling a worldwide demand for your services. This international growth and financial uptick underscore the vast opportunities awaiting you, provided you effectively differentiate and position yourself in the marketplace.


In therapy, several key trends are reshaping the landscape. The enduring popularity of Tele-Therapy, catalysed by recent global events, marks a significant shift that's here to stay. Its convenience, ease of access, and cost-effectiveness make it a preferred mode of care, offering you a unique angle to incorporate into your branding and outreach efforts.

Additionally, as the stigma around mental health and therapy continues to wane, more individuals seek out these services, allowing you to broaden your appeal by emphasising the accessibility and critical nature of mental health care in your branding. There's also a noticeable uptick in the demand for child therapy, highlighting a need for specialists in this area. If this is your field of expertise, you have a prime opportunity to tailor your branding to address this growing demand.

To navigate these shifts, consider focusing on your specialisations, such as Teletherapy or child therapy, in your branding to attract clients seeking these services. Highlighting your certifications and professional achievements in your marketing materials can further establish your credibility and expertise in a market that increasingly values such credentials. Additionally, leveraging digital marketing strategies to showcase your Tele-Therapy services and engaging with your audience through social media and other online platforms can enhance your visibility and make you more accessible to clients in an increasingly digital world.

By keeping abreast of current trends and tailoring your branding and marketing strategies to align with these changes, you can effectively position yourself in the market, attract your ideal clients, and secure your path to lasting professional achievement.


Whenever you are ready,

  • we have a structured done-with-you process to help you craft a brand message that is impactful and at the same time aligns with your values.

  • we also offer a done-for-you target audience analysis that will give you a deep understanding of how to position your brand and services.

Contact us to have a chat on this.



To further explore and unveil your unique brand, consider delving into the following resources that cover various aspects of personal branding, differentiation, and professional development:

"Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen" by Donald Miller:

This book offers valuable insights into using the power of storytelling to clarify your brand's message, making it easier for customers to engage with and remember your brand. Miller provides a framework for creating a compelling narrative around your brand.

"Personal Branding For Dummies" by Susan Chritton:

Part of the renowned "For Dummies" series, this book provides a comprehensive guide to building and maintaining a powerful personal brand. Chritton covers everything from defining your brand to using social media effectively.

TED Talks on Personal Branding:

TED, known for spreading powerful ideas, features talks by experts on personal branding. These presentations can offer inspiration and innovative strategies for defining and communicating your unique value proposition. A notable talk is "Why You Should Define Your Fears Instead of Your Goals" by Tim Ferriss, which, while not directly about branding, can provide insights into overcoming the barriers to personal brand differentiation.

"Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion" by Robert B. Cialdini:

Understanding the principles of persuasion is crucial for effective branding. Cialdini's book explores the psychology behind why people say "yes" and how to apply these understandings in various aspects of branding and marketing.

LinkedIn Learning Courses on Personal Branding:

LinkedIn Learning offers a variety of courses tailored to personal branding and marketing. These courses, led by industry experts, cover topics from social media strategy to storytelling, providing actionable insights and strategies to enhance your brand.

"The Brand Gap: How to Bridge the Distance Between Business Strategy and Design" by Marty Neumeier:

This book discusses how to bridge the gap between business strategy and design, emphasizing the importance of integration for creating a cohesive and memorable brand.

"Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead" by Brené Brown:

Vulnerability can be a powerful tool in personal branding. Brown's book offers profound insights into how embracing vulnerability can lead to greater creativity, connection, and differentiation in your brand.

Each of these resources can provide unique perspectives and tools to help you craft and communicate your unique brand effectively. For more tailored advice, consider attending workshops, networking with professionals in your field, and possibly engaging a personal branding coach.



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